New Homes: Should You Choose Custom or Prebuilt?

HomeBlogNew Homes: Should You Choose Custom or Prebuilt?

A new home is a new start, and that can be exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time. There are a lot of important decisions for you to make ahead of time, and one of those might be choosing between a custom home or a prebuilt home. Each choice has its own advantages and disadvantages as well as its own misconceptions, so we are here to enlighten you and help you decide which choice is right for you when you are on the look-out for a new home.

New Homes: Should You Choose Custom or Prebuilt?

  • How much are you willing to spend? When people are looking for new homes, the choice between custom and prebuilt often comes down to the price. It is true that prebuilt homes are usually cheaper than custom ones. However, if you plan on doing extensive remodeling or renovation later on, it might be worth considering a custom home in the first place.
  • How important is it for you to choose your location? Location is important for all new homes, but it matters more for some people than it does for others. Custom homes allow you to choose where your home will be built while prebuilt homes do not. If you care about who your neighbors are, which schools are nearby, or other factors, a custom home gives you more control over that.
  • How particular are you about the materials or floor plans? If you are happy to go with the flow and adjust to a new environment, a pre-built home is great, but if you are very particular about how you will use the space and how it will look, a custom home is the way to go.