Magnificent new homes without custom backyards are like birthday cakes without icing. Just like the beloved desserts, the outside of a residence looks incomplete without the final finishing touches. A custom deck and refined landscaping are only two components of how a home’s outside space can be customized to your specifications. And just as importantly, do custom backyards increase property value?
- Why do Home Buyers Love Custom Backyards? Modern custom homes are all about outdoor living, and it is a trend that is here to stay. Homeowners extend their living spaces outdoors and can relax and spend valuable time with family and friends. There’s something about being outside that’s just so relaxing, and it can be casual, formal, or somewhere in between.
- How Much Does Custom Landscaping Increase Property Value? Custom landscaping will offer an immediate aesthetic value to your home and can increase its value by tens of thousands of dollars or more. And unlike interior designs, outdoor ones don’t go out of style so quickly. Instead, plants and trees grow fuller and look better with time. Decks, swimming pools, and hot tubs also retain their value over time.
- Which Custom Backyards are the Best Investments? While many home buyers have bucket lists and others do not want things like swimming pools, the following custom features are the most popular.
- Fire Pit
- Outdoor kitchen
- Deck
- Patio
- Swimming pool
At David Jordan Homes, we’re always available to help new and current customers! Please give us a call at 806-789-4147.